Design News


Peter Pepper
David Edward

Design News

2004 IIDA Calibre Awards

An Interview with Jhane Barnes

In addition to being a manufacturers' representative, I have a strong desire to give back to our community and have been involved in the following endeavors: 

Summer of 2005 finds me joinning the Board of Directors of IIDA's Southern California Chapter, again as a Industry Advisor.  Also I recently was elected to the Board of DIrectors of a local community based non profit Alzheimer's charity- Adult Day Services of Orange County

Also, I have chaired IIDA auctions benefiting such worthwhile organizations as Childhelp USA and The Hillview Acres Children's Home.  These events not only raised money for charity but they have given the community the opportunity to receive great deals on designer products while still helping children in need.

Rewarding Experiences Include:

Industry Recognition:

Like so many of you, I also actively support other worthy organizations and consider myself fortunate to be able to give back to the Southern California community that has given so much to me.

I appreciate the opportunity to do business with you and hope you share my drive and passion about life here in Southern California.

Steve Francis 
2915 Redhill Ave - Suite G103 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-241-3500

Penny Marshall & Steve Francis
support Aids Service Foundation
of Orange County & Laguna Beach
Art Museum 2/8/03
Steve Francis joins legendary actress
Carrie Fisher in supporting
the annual "Art for Aids" charity auction
in Laguna on February 8, 2003.
Merv Griffin & Steve Francis
February 9, 2002
Art for Aids Event
"A Tribute to Rock Hudson"
benefiting the
Aids Service Foundation 
&  Laguna Art Museum
Feature Article by Beverly Russell
in Office Insight May 10th.04
From the California
Legislative Conference 
on Interior Design
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IIDA Team Award Nominee
for Westlake Village Civic Center
Steve is a community supporter
to such charitable organizations as
"No Limits" Theatre Group for
Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children

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